Content People
Content People
S2E8 with Leadership Coach & LCSW Tina Greenbaum

S2E8 with Leadership Coach & LCSW Tina Greenbaum

Want to do a magic trick?

Imagine your favorite food.

How does that thought feel in your body?

Ok, nice job. Now think of your least favorite food.

How does that thought feel?

For me: Mac and cheese gives me warm, happy feelings. Cilantro (gross) - my stomach clenches and my throat tightens.

Tina Greenbaum LCSW, executive performance coach, and CEO of the Master Under Pressure  program, posed the above questions when I asked if there is anything leaders can do right at this moment  to get in touch with their intuition, inner wisdom and guidance at work.

→ Situations that give you the favorite food feeling = things are in alignment.
→ Least-fave food feeling = something isn’t quite right. You might want to get curious about what’s happening below the surface (for you and for the other folks involved).

Tina was a wonderful guest. In addition to that nifty little food trick, we covered:

  • Projection, transference, and why leaders are sometimes conflated with tricky parents.

  • How breathwork expands your nervous system’s capacity for stress. And helps you make better decisions.

  • The power of positive productive thinking.

  • Why women at work need boundaries of steel.

  • When feeling bored is helpful information.

  • Her program, Mastery Under Pressure.

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Host Meredith Farley interviews the folks behind the books, brands, products, and content that we love. Content People comes out weekly on Tuesday mornings.